In a city renowned for its Italian culinary heritage, Providence’s Federal Hill harbors a secret: a thriving coffee culture that rivals its pasta prowess. While tourists flock to the neighborhood’s famed trattorias, savvy locals and adventurous visitors are discovering a hidden world of artisanal brews and cozy cafes. These underrated coffee houses...

The Italian Thanksgiving in New England was and still is a piece de resistance – a masterpiece of Italian and American cooking. It’s also a result of Italian cooks who successfully resisted do-gooders trying to Americanize their food habits. An Italian Thanksgiving in the Italian cities like Waterbury, Conn., or Providence, R.I., or Revere, Mass.,...

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti, a native of Rochester, N.Y., was presented with the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Rhode Island Italian-American Hall of Fame (RIIAHF), in Providence, R.I., Nov. 2. RIIAHF, a non-profit organization, honors individuals who have succeeded at the highest of levels in their respective fields, a...

Across the United States, there are over 18 million individuals of Italian descent. According to the National Italian American Foundation, Rhode Island boasted a population of 199,077 Italian Americans in 2024, making it home to one of the highest per capita population of Italian Americans in the nation. Celebrated for its vibrant Italian American...

Providence, Rhode Island and Florence, Italy have more in common than you might think. Residents of both share a love of art and music, historic architecture, and an outstanding culinary scene. Unfortunately, both cities also share a history of devastating floods and remain at high risk for repeated incidents in this era of climate change. This mon...

In 1999, the Splendor of Florence event may have done more to put Providence on the map than any single event. Press coverage was global. The success of Joyce Acciaioli Rudge’s first festival in 1999 in Providence became the blueprint for subsequent city-wide festivals in Philadelphia and New York as well as art and photo exhibits throughout the US...

Day three of the four-day, annual Columbus Day Weekend Festival in Providence saw quite the turnout. This yearly event, now in its 39th year, took place on Federal Hill and offered classic Italian cuisine, live music and of course, the parade. Federal Hill Commerce Association President Rick Simone said turnout exceeded what he’s seen in the last f...

Chief of Naval Operations, four-star Admiral Lisa Franchetti will receive the Rhode Island Italian-American Hall of Fame’s 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award at RIIAHF Honors & A Salute to Sinatra on Saturday, Nov. 2, at The Vets in Providence. The Hall of Fame will also honor physician and author Dr. Edward Iannuccilli and former New England Patriot...

This exhibit runs from October 3-25 at Bannister Gallery at Rhode Island College (600 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Providence, RI), with an opening reception on Thursday, October 3, from 4-7 p.m. The late Enrico Vittorio Pinardi, known to his friends, family and students as “Henry,” was a nationally acclaimed artist and professor of art who taught at RIC...

There's a food tour with a felonious twist on Federal Hill in Providence, RI. The Crime and Cuisine on Federal Hill tour has been bringing in tourists for about three years now. However, some people may wonder if it's painting the iconic Providence neighborhood in a bad light. The tour, starting at Garbaldi Park, which was the former bath house for...